Implementing good corporate governance in zakat institution
Good Corporate Governance, Zakat Institutions, Rumah Zakat, SustainabilityAbstract
Implementation of good corporate governance in zakat institution is very important to strengthen the reputation of zakat institution and gain trust from Muzakki (zakat prayer) for long term sustainability. Zakat institution has an intermediary function that is collect zakat from zakat prayer and pay zakat for the recipient (mustahik). Therefore the reputation from zakat institution is very important. The study aims to describe the general concept of corporate governance and how to apply the concept of corporate governance to zak?h administration in Indonesia. This study uses the methodology of the qualitative approach by describing the implementation of Zakat governance through an annual report from Rumah Zakat in 2015. The result of this research can describe the general concept of corporate governance and how to apply the concept of corporate governance to zak?h administration in Indonesia, especially in Rumah Zakat Indonesia.
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- 2020-12-05 (2)
- 2020-02-25 (1)
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