The conflict between Apple and Samsung over patents and copyrights


  • Hani Albasoos
  • Nabil Al Musallami Sultan Qaboos University



Samsung, Apple, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Patent, Conflict.


This article seeks to explore the conflict between Samsung and Apple. The conflict has been one of the most outstanding patent wars in the history of the smartphone industry. Apple and Samsung are among the most popular manufacturers of commonly used smartphones and tablets. The conflict began when Apple decided to file a federal lawsuit in the US district court, accusing Samsung of copying some of its iPhone features in the Samsung Galaxy S II smartphone. The court ascertained that the gadget had similar characteristics to Apple, thus ordering Samsung to pay Apple for the damages. In response, Samsung reacted by filing countersuits. The two firms, almost fifty cases in different nations and regions. The issues lasted for seven years, starting from 2011 and ending in 2016, in which both companies benefited and lost at the same time. The conflict emanated because of each firm pursuing its competitive advantage in the market. Apart from following market shares, third parties, like consumers, instigated the conflict, with international politics and the media playing a role.


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How to Cite

Albasoos, H., & Al Musallami, N. . (2020). The conflict between Apple and Samsung over patents and copyrights. Bussecon Review of Social Sciences (2687-2285), 2(3), 1–17.


