E-Commerce marketing strategies in industry 4.0
e-commerce, marketing strategy, industry 4.0Abstract
The business transition process from conventional to digital forms causes companies to think about strategic steps to make the new business processes that are in it become sustainable. One way is to take advantage of technological developments in the era of industry 4.0 that change the way work is done from the conventional way towards digital technology by utilizing e-commerce. This research uses descriptive research method with a qualitative analysis approach. Data collection techniques in this study used primary data and secondary data approaches. Data obtained from research are empirical data. The methodology used in this study is a conceptual review, which is a method carried out by collecting data and information related to market potential, changes in consumer behavior and how to use e-commerce technology as an alternative solution in innovating marketing strategies with the aim to capture potential market potential. greater than. The results of the research resulted nine e-commerce strategies in the industry 4.0 era to achieve the goals of a business with challenges and high competitiveness in the e-commerce market, business people in industry 4.0 era can use 9 strategies to successful in this technological era, including; framing the market opportunity; formulating the marketing strategy; designing the customer experience; crafting the customer interface; designing the marketing program; leveraging customer information through technology; character and competent delegation; systemized market customers; and evaluating the marketing program.
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