A theoretical analysis on a peace culture model in the workplace


  • Mahmut Arslan
  • Hilal Dermirel
  • Havva Kokaraslan




peace culture, organizational culture, dimensions of peace culture


This study aims to develop a theoretical approach to define the culture of peace and its dimensions in the workplace based on De-Rivera’s peace culture dimensions at the international level. This study offers an organizational model in the workplace and it needs empirical tests in further studies. This paper is an attempt to develop a theoretical framework for peace culture in the workplace. Peace culture will be analyzed in four underlying dimensions: liberal development, violent inequality, state use of violent means, and nurturance. This study transfers De Rivera’s peace culture dimensions into the organizational level, and it is assumed that peace culture in the workplace could be a remedy for a harmonious and peaceful workplace. Peace culture in the workplace is also expected to be a beneficial factor to employees’ behavior, job performances, and organizational commitment as well as work outcomes. In a conclusion, it is expected that this study fills the gap in the literature and will have a leading role for further studies


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How to Cite

Arslan, M., Dermirel, H., & Kokaraslan, H. (2021). A theoretical analysis on a peace culture model in the workplace . International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 3(2), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.36096/ijbes.v3i2.254



Business Ecosystem