The effect of educational attainment, length of work experience on the self-efficacy of teachers and employees
self-efficacy, educational attainment, work experience.Abstract
The study aims to determine the effect of educational attainment, length of work experience on self-efficacy and also to determine the difference of self-efficacy of employees based on the educational attainment and the length of work experience. To support the theories of the study, literature was reviewed. The study used a descriptive correlational research design and the questionnaires were used to gather the data. The population of the study was all employees of the Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. The Multilinear regression analysis was used to determine the correlation and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the difference of self-efficacy among employees based on educational attainment and the length of work experience. The study found that the self-efficacy of employees was high and there is a correlation between educational attainment and self-efficacy and the length of work experience and self-efficacy. It is also found that there is a significant difference in self-efficacy among employees based on educational attainment and the length of work experience. Thus, based on the findings, then the hypotheses of the study are accepted.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Damianus Abun, Sonny Bumanglag, Janet Lazaro, T Magallanes, Nimfa C. Catbagan

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