Business intention of students with family business and entrepreneurial education background


  • Damianus Abun Divine Word College of Laoag, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
  • Sylvia Lalaine Grace L. Foronda
  • Fredolin P. Julian
  • Egdona A. Quinto
  • Theogenia Magallanes



Business Intention, Entrepreneurial Education, Family Business


The study aimed to examine the effect of family business background and entrepreneurial education background on the business intention of the fourth-year students. To deepen the understanding of the topic and to establish the theories of the study, literature was reviewed. It used a descriptive correlational research design. The population of the study was the fourth-year students and total enumeration was applied. The results of the study indicate that family business and entrepreneurial education background are correlated significantly with the business intention of the students. It further found that students who have a family business background and entrepreneurial education background have higher business intention compared to those who have no both.


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How to Cite

Abun, D., Foronda, S. L. G. L., Julian, F. P., Quinto, E. A., & Magallanes, T. (2022). Business intention of students with family business and entrepreneurial education background. International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 4(2), 1–12.



Business Ecosystem