Reducing turnover intention: The mediating role of work-life balance and organizational commitment
Psychological Capital, Work-Life Balance, Organizational Commitment, Turnover IntentionAbstract
This study aims to examine and understand the influence of psychological capital on employee turnover intention through the mediating role of organizational commitment and work-life balance on Generation Z and millennial employees in Bandung, West Java. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data obtained from the employees of the companies and the company data. This study uses the census method as a sampling technique, with a number of samples of 100 respondents. The data is collected by distributing questionnaires and carrying out observations in the company. The data is further processed using Structural Equation Modeling with the Partial Least Square method. The results of this study indicate that psychological capital has a significant influence on employee turnover intention, organizational commitment, and work-life balance. Furthermore, organizational commitment and work-life balance are found to have a direct negative influence on turnover intention. Both of these variables also act as mediators in the relationship between psychological capital and turnover intention.
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