What tourists perceived? Social media preference in a tourism destination
Social Media Marketing, consumer behaviour, tourism, destination marketingAbstract
The tourism industry is a sector that continues to be developed by the Indonesian government. Especially during the current Covid 19 pandemic, tourism must be given a touch of differentiation to adapt to government regulations regarding the safety of tourism objects. The development of social media is essential in the world of tourism, where it can change the behaviour of tourists to enjoy tourism services. This study aims to understand the social media preference in tourist destinations so that tourism destinations can analyze social media marketing competitive strategy according to the target market. This study uses the MDS method and cluster analysis. This study collects data from 240 respondents. Respondents were asked to rate ten social media pairs where the social media observed were Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Tok. This research found that a perceptual map is essential to define consumer perceptions and preferences on social media.
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