Mandating ethics to combat misconduct in the South African public service
Corruption, Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI), ethical culture, good governance, institutional causes, misconduct, qualitative approach, South Africa.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the extent of misconduct in the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) in South Africa as a case study. The article aims to answer the research question, ‘What is the extent of the misconduct in the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure?’. Systematization of the literature and responses to the wrongdoing scenario shows that in South Africa, poor quality performance and inefficient productivity in public service departments may cause financial difficulties. The institutional cause of misconduct is discussed. The decision that was made in this scientific subject matter has importance because this study intends to emphasise that the public service in general and DPWI in particular have been in the media for cases of maladministration, misconduct, and corruption, which necessitates the implementation of orgaisational ethics management OEM) takes action to promote an ethical culture and a climate that is favorable to good governance. The investigation in the article is carried out in the following order: A description of the DPWI and its procedures for combating misconduct follows, and the scope of wrongdoing inside the DPWI is explored using a contextual framework. Conceptual and document analysis were the methodological tools used in the study. Using qualitative research approach with exploratory and descriptive research designs, misconduct is contextually analyzed. The results show that when institutional factors that can combat misconduct and promote good governance are not implemented, then this situation may lead to various forms of misconduct recurring. The article's conclusion makes suggestions for improvement.
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