Unveiling the hidden dynamics: role of HRM in supporting the health and safety of healthcare workers in the post-Covid 19 pandemic world of work: an integrative review





COVID-19, Health Care Workers, Health and Safety, Organisational Culture, and Human Resource Management


The main purpose of the study was to uncover the hidden dynamics of HRM's role in supporting the health and safety of healthcare workers in the current world of work. It specifically focuses on an integrative review conducted in Durban, Republic of South Africa. In terms of design, that study approaches an integrative review conducted on 26 research articles and journals from reputable sources such as Google Scholar and Ebsco-host. The focus of the review was on the impact of human resource management on the well-being of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 200 results were collected and categorised based on specific inclusion criteria, with a focus on the intersection of HRM, COVID-19, and healthcare workers. The inclusion criteria are premised on the fact that articles that did not directly address how HRM can improve the performance and safety of healthcare workers were excluded. The authors carefully reviewed the abstracts and titles of the articles to ensure they met the inclusion criteria. After removing duplicate entries, 26 articles were identified as relevant to the study and were analysed alongside other pertinent literature. The findings of this study highlight the significant impact of human resource management in effectively addressing challenges related to the healthcare workforce during crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The originality of the study is grounded on the significance of HRM as a key stakeholder in workforce operations. Therefore organisational management must acknowledge this role. This is evident in the recommendation of the 6Cs of HRM as a pathway to effectively manage the health and safety of healthcare workers. For Future Research the fact that the  study highlights the significance of HRM in organisations during times of crisis, such as a pandemic. It is important to recognise the necessity for further research employing quantitative or mixed methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of how HRM plays a crucial role in effectively addressing and managing healthcare workers amidst challenging situations.


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How to Cite

Bangura, S. (2024). Unveiling the hidden dynamics: role of HRM in supporting the health and safety of healthcare workers in the post-Covid 19 pandemic world of work: an integrative review. International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 6(4), 152–158. https://doi.org/10.36096/ijbes.v6i4.548



Organizational Development and HRM