Enhancing integrated development planning in South African local government: The critical role of youth engagement in planning and implementation





Youth Participation, Integrated Development Plans, Service Delivery, Municipalities, South Africa


This paper examines the critical role of youth participation in planning and implementation with the purpose of improving the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). Local governments in South Africa are legally mandated to foster participatory development through IDP, which aim to address imbalances from the predemocratic era and improve socioeconomic conditions. Despite the democratic foundation of these policies, youth participation in IDP formulation remains markedly low. This discrepancy is particularly troubling given the substantial role that youth played in achieving democracy and the proverb that today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. The paper argues that the absence of effective mechanisms for youth participation has led to significant social deficiencies. The paper is conceptual and is grounded in social capital theory. The study uses a qualitative desktop research method, relying on existing literature. The findings reveal that the lack of youth participation in IDP contributes to various problems, including inadequate service delivery, violent protests, substance abuse, and social delinquency. It recommends the establishment of practical and inclusive mechanisms to better engage young people in the IDP process, thus addressing the current gaps and promoting more equitable development outcomes.  Young people's ignorance and the lack of efficient and inclusive mechanisms to promote participation of youth have produced numerous social deficiencies. These problems hinder community development and social transformation. Therefore, this paper concludes that training programs, youth dialogues, and political education should be developed to improve youth understanding of local government processes.


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How to Cite

Maponya, F. M., Nkoana, I., & Maenetja, R. E. (2024). Enhancing integrated development planning in South African local government: The critical role of youth engagement in planning and implementation. International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 6(4), 484–492. https://doi.org/10.36096/ijbes.v6i4.630



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