Understanding hybridity governance in Africa: A theoretical framework for hybrid structures, policies, and practices
Hybridity Governance, African Public Administration, Socio-Cultural Theories, Governance Evolution, Organizational Structures.Abstract
The amalgamation of traditional and modern governance systems represents a transformative advancement in contemporary African government. This study examines the concept of "hybridity governance" within the African context, providing a comprehensive theoretical framework that integrates modern institutional procedures with traditional governance systems. The paper examines the evolution of African governance from pre-colonial to post-colonial eras, illustrating the emergence of hybrid governance as a response to internal dynamics and external influences. It accomplishes this by utilising historical studies. The philosophical underpinnings are investigated, highlighting organisational and social concepts that elucidate the acceptance of hybrid models. The paper elucidates the applications, accomplishments, and challenges of hybrid government in several African nations through various empirical case studies. A critical examination examines the consequences of these governance paradigms for public administration in Africa. It underscores opportunities for innovation and enhanced flexibility, while also emphasising intrinsic challenges such as job ambiguity and conflict. The report concludes with forecasts regarding the future trajectory of hybrid governance in Africa, considering the interplay of local socio-political dynamics, global interconnectedness, and technological advancements. This article serves as a vital resource for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in the evolving governance paradigm in Africa, providing valuable applications and recommendations.
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