Challenges in providing feedback to grade 4 second language learners: A case study of English teachers in Gauteng’s public primary schools



feedback practices, second language learners, English teachers, Grade 4, Gauteng, public primary schools, multilingual education


This qualitative research article examines the challenges faced by English teachers in providing effective feedback to Grade 4 second language learners within public primary schools in Gauteng, South Africa. The study aims to inform and enhance feedback practices in multilingual educational settings by exploring the real-life experiences of English teachers. Specifically, the research focuses on understanding the challenges encountered by teachers in their role of providing feedback to second language learners transitioning to English as the medium of instruction. The study adopts an interpretivist paradigm and utilizes thematic analysis to analyze the perspectives of four English teachers from two distinct public primary schools within Gauteng. Participants were purposively selected, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. Thematic analysis was employed to identify recurring themes and patterns within the data generated from the participants' responses. The findings reveal several challenges teachers face, including significant time constraints, diverse language proficiency levels within classrooms, and limited resources for providing effective feedback. The study is framed by Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and Hattie and Timperley's model of feedback, providing a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding the complexities of feedback provision in this context. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on feedback practices in multilingual classrooms and offers insights for policymakers, school administrators, and teacher educators on improving feedback strategies for second language learners in South African primary schools.


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How to Cite

Pillay, P. (2024). Challenges in providing feedback to grade 4 second language learners: A case study of English teachers in Gauteng’s public primary schools. International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 6(4), 415–425. Retrieved from



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